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We finally made it to a Comic Con!

What with the panel that Pete was on and the general chaos, we didn't actually get to see all that much of the action at NYCC, but the DC booth was a must!

On the left, Pete Marston checks out the new Wonder Woman statue - in her new costume - due out next spring. She's pretty cute [whoever she is...]

Funny but true - I finally spotted one cosplayer in this outfit at NYCC, but nobody recognized her - even in the DC booth!!

Our friend Barbara Moss - oh, strike that! - our friend, Suzy Creamcheeze has a classic moment of delayed recognition while we are in the DC booth chatting with Dan DiDio:

"Oh! You're THAT Dan! I know you! I've fallen asleep with your name in my head many times!"

Dan questions whether that is a good thing... when he finally stops laughing, he continues on to tell us how busy Wonder Woman is going to be in times to come!

We find Gail Simone at the DC booth, meeting her countless fans with her usual cheerful, gracious charm.

Gail may be doing Birds of Prey now, but she'll always be WONDERful!

A major treat of the NYCC day was meeting friends Robert 'Bobby' Jones, Jr. and David Berger, from the CBR Wonder Woman Forum face-to-face for the first time. We had about 90 seconds to say 'Hello' and for Pete to snap a quick picture before we were herded into the panel room!

Wonder Woman's friends tend to share her basic positive outlook on the world, and these guys are serious friends of Wonder Woman!

Last minute fun! Pete joined Nicky Wheeler-Nicholson on a panel!